Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Spirited Away (DVD) - Shelvia


Such a great movie. Really. It really has a magical effect. Great characters combined with the simplicity of the story. It's a very unique movie.

Something you should watch when you're bored with all those 'similar' type of movies in the cinemas (those ones which you know the story before you even buy its movie ticket).

I watched this last Sunday and I'm even thinking about watching it again sometime soon. Note: I dun usually watch anime..

Rate: 8.8 / 10

1 comment:

DWS Movie Buffs said...

Eddy T - This is my favourite animated film, and one of my all-time favourites. It is a magical blend of fantasy and a young girl's rites of passage. All of director Miyazaki's favourite themes and concerns are condensed into this beautifully crafted and scored masterpiece, a summing up of a great career, as it were. The animation is superb and assured, and is supported by the best soundtrack I've heard. Spirited Away moves at a leisurely pace and yet is gripping from beginning to end. It has a simple story, yet is rich in incident and symbolism, and peopled by wonderful and grotesque creatures that defy stereotyping. If I had to quibble I would say only the ending is too abrupt. As with all Miyazaki films, it lavishes great attention to detail, not just in its backgrounds and animation, but also characters and their motivations. A wise film all children should experience before they become teens, and all adults should experience to remind them of the magic in their childhood years. Rating: 9.5/10