Thursday, June 23, 2005

Batman Begins - Shelvia W.

Very enjoyable, it actually had a storyline! Much better than the previous Batman Movies.
(Rating: 8½ out of 10)


DWS Movie Buffs said...

Sam S. - also thought this movie was really good. It takes a little while to get the main plot but the lead up is done well.
(Rating: 8/10)

DWS Movie Buffs said...

Eddy T. - This is the best Batman movie by far, and the best superhero adaptation I've seen yet. Batman's origins and the psychology of his motivations are laid out convincingly and Christopher Nolan very effectively uses the device of cutting to short flashbacks of Bruce Wayne's childhood to emotionally heighten scenes (even fight scenes!). The soundtrack is awesome and drives the movie forward when it needs to, and relaxes when it should. The cast is almost perfect. Only Katie Holmes seems too young for the part - her 'girly' voice detracts somewhat from her feisty assistant DA character. Some have complained about the close-up fight scenes - a la Bourne Supremacy - I think that technique works very well in this movie, it adds grit to the fights. A superhero film for adults.
(Rating: 9/10)

DWS Movie Buffs said...
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DWS Movie Buffs said...


Yes a very good movie... This batman was darker than the other batman movies which made it a much more enjoyable movie.